Calculating Statistics

litstudy.stats.compute_year_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of the number of documents published in each year.

litstudy.stats.compute_number_authors_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, max_authors=10, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of the number of authors per document.


max_authors -- If a document has more than max_author authors, it is it is listed as a special "max authors" category.

litstudy.stats.compute_language_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by language.

litstudy.stats.compute_source_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, mapper=None, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by publication source.

litstudy.stats.compute_source_type_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by source type.

litstudy.stats.compute_author_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by author name.

litstudy.stats.compute_author_affiliation_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by (author name, affiliation name) combinations. This can help reduce conflicts where there are many authors of the same name working for different affiliations.

litstudy.stats.compute_affiliation_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, mapper=None, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by affiliation name.

litstudy.stats.compute_country_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by affiliation country.

litstudy.stats.compute_continent_histogram(docs: DocumentSet, **kwargs) DataFrame

Compute a histogram of number of documents by affiliation continent.