Language Processing

class litstudy.nlp.Corpus(docs, filters, max_tokens)

Contains the word-frequency vectors for a set of documents. See build_corpus for more information.


The dictionary that maps indices to words (gensim.corpora.Dictionary).


List of word frequency vectors. Each vector corresponds to one document and consists of (word_index, frequency) tuples.

litstudy.nlp.build_corpus(docs: DocumentSet, *, remove_words=None, min_word_length=3, min_docs=5, max_docs_ratio=0.75, max_tokens=5000, replace_words=None, custom_bigrams=None, ngram_threshold=None) Corpus

Build a Corpus object.

This function takes the words from the title/abstract of the given documents, preprocesses the tokens, and returns a corpus consisting of a word frequency vector for each document. This preprocessing stage is highly customizable, thus it is advised to experiment with the many parameters.

Please notice that a small document set with no Abstracts available, might not yield a Corpus, since there is a higher chance of words not achieving a ocorrency in more than one document.

  • remove_words -- list of words that should be ignored while building the word frequency vectors.

  • min_word_length -- Words shorter than this are ignored.

  • min_docs -- Words that occur in fewer than this many documents are ignored.

  • max_docs_ratio -- Words that occur in more than this document are ignored. Should be ratio between 0 and 1.

  • max_tokens -- Only the top most common tokens are preserved.

  • replace_words -- Replace words by other words. Must be a dict containing original word to replacement word pairs.

  • custom_bigrams -- Add custom bigrams. Must be a dict where keys are (first, second) tuples and values are replacements. For example, the key can be ("Big", "Data") and the value "BigData".

  • ngram_threshold -- Threshold used for n-gram detection. Is passed to gensim.models.phrases.Phrases to detect common n-grams.


a Corpus object.

class litstudy.nlp.TopicModel(dictionary, doc2topic, topic2token)

Topic model trained by one of the train_*_model functions.


N x T matrix that stores the weights towards each of the T topics for the N documents.


T x M matrix that stores the weights towards each of the M tokens for each of the T topics

best_documents_for_topic(topic_id: int, limit=5) List[int]

Returns the documents that most strongly belong to the given topic.

document_topics(doc_id: int)

Returns a numpy array indicating the weights towards the different topic for the given document. These weight sum up to one.

best_token_weights_for_topic(topic_id: int, limit=5)

Returns a list of (token, weight) tuples for the tokens that most strongly belong to the given topic.

best_tokens_for_topic(topic_id: int, limit=5)

Returns the top tokens that most strongly belong to the given topic.

best_token_for_topic(topic_id: int) str

Returns the token that most strongly belongs to the given topic.

best_topic_for_token(token) int

Returns the topic index that most strongly belongs to the given token.

best_topic_for_documents() List[int]

Returns the topic for each document that most strongly belongs to that document.

litstudy.nlp.train_nmf_model(corpus: Corpus, num_topics: int, seed=0, max_iter=500) TopicModel

Train a topic model using NMF.

  • num_topics -- The number of topics to train.

  • seed -- The seed used for random number generation.

  • max_iter -- The maximum number of iterations to use for training. More iterations mean better results, but longer training times.

litstudy.nlp.train_lda_model(corpus: Corpus, num_topics, seed=0, **kwargs) TopicModel

Train a topic model using LDA.

  • num_topics -- The number of topics to train.

  • seed -- The seed used for random number generation.

  • kwargs -- Arguments passed to gensim.models.lda.LdaModel (gensim3) or gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel (gensim4).

litstudy.nlp.train_elda_model(corpus: Corpus, num_topics, num_models=4, seed=0, **kwargs) TopicModel

Train a topic model using ensemble LDA.

  • num_topics -- The number of topics to train.

  • num_models -- The number of models to train.

  • seed -- The seed used for random number generation.

  • kwargs -- Arguments passed to gensim.models.ensemblelda.EnsembleLda (gensim4).

litstudy.nlp.compute_word_distribution(corpus: Corpus, *, limit=None) DataFrame

Returns dataframe that indicates, for each word, the number of documents that mention that word.

litstudy.nlp.generate_topic_cloud(model: TopicModel, topic_id: int, cmap=None, max_font_size=75, background_color='white') WordCloud

Generate a word cloud for the given topic from the given topic model.

  • cmap -- The color map used to color the words.

  • max_font_size -- Size of the word which most strongly belongs to the topic. The other words are scaled accordingly.

  • background_color -- Background color.

litstudy.nlp.calculate_embedding(corpus: Corpus, *, rank=2, svd_dims=50, perplexity=30, seed=0)

Calculate a document embedding that assigns each document in the corpus a N-d position based on the word usage.


A list of N-d tuples for the documents in the corpus.