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For Unit 3, we selected a couple of references which will help to attract your attention to the importance of software readability and code formatting. 2 is series of 10 videos based on the book “Clean Code by Robert C. Martin”. Like Unit 2, 3 points to the Code Quality Chapter of the Turing way which convers enough details on the topic help you write a readable and will formatted code. Reference 4 is an extra reference for Python programmers, which is quite common these days inside and outside the Center, it is a quick overview of PEP8 code.

To complete Unit 3, you are expected to:

  • Read/watch the suggested teaching material
  • Prepare a list of questions and a short reflection on the suggested material. This will be used for the discussions during the weekly consultation hours with the coach.
  • Please send the list of questions to your coach one day before the weekly meetings..

Time expected to complete this unit: 4 hours