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For Unit 5, we selected two references which will help you to acquire the necessary knowledge of performance optimization and parallel programming. The Introduction to Parallel Computing Tutorial given by the Livermore computing Center is an excellent introduction to the topics of this Unit 1. This tutorial can be combined with the 20 minutes introduction to parallel programming: Performance aspects, by Mats Brorsson from University of Luxembourg 2.

To complete Unit 5, you are expected to:

  • Read/watch the suggested teaching material.
  • Prepare a list of questions and a short reflection on the suggested material. This will be used for the discussions during the weekly consultation hours with the coach.
  • Please send the list of questions to your coach one day before.
  • Practical hands-on for this unit are provided by the material used for eScience Center External Training program 4. You can do the hands-on individually or join a the eScience Center external workshop. Check the eScience Digital-skills for the workshops schedule, contact the eScience Center Training to check whether there is still space for you to join.

Time expected to complete this unit: 4 hours