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For Unit 1, we selected a couple of references which will help you to develop a good understanding of the principles of modular design. 1 is a talk published by Oracle learning and gives a good overview of software modularity and architectures. 2 is the first lecture of course at University of Verginia, it explains many concepts on modular design what are the qualities of good modules, metrics of module quality-cohesion and coupling. 3 is a retrospective talk on the modularity theme, it includes a brief history of software modularity since its introduction, why it is useful and the good and the bad of modularity over its evolution. 3 is proposed as a further reading (extra-material) for RSE who want to reflect deeper on the software modularity. Similarly, reference 4 is extra-material focusing on Cohesion and coupling in python.

To complete Unit 1, you are expected to:

  • Read/watch the suggested teaching material
  • Prepare a list of questions and a short reflection on the suggested material. This will be used for the discussions during the weekly consultation hours with the coach.
  • Please send the list of questions to your coach one day before the weekly meetings..

Time expected to complete this unit: 4 hours