Open ❤ Science

Cards and code to create cards for Open❤️Science, an educational game similar to Apples to Apples. This game can be played in person or online. If you are interested in the printed game, please reach out to us (

Goal of the Game

Welcome to Open Loves Science, a card game designed to spark playful yet insightful dialogues about the Open Science movement. As players delve into an array of topics related to this stream of research reform, they are encouraged to reflect on their contributions and beliefs towards transforming the academic landscape. This game celebrates the essence of Open Science - fostering connections. It invites players to look into each other’s eyes, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of each other and each other’s research.


This game was created by the GHOST Collective, Games of Horror for Open Science Training. GHOST includes:

  • Bjørn Bartholdy, TU Delft
  • Dafne Jansen, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Dan Rudmann, Leiden University
  • Elisa Rodenburg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Eva Lekkerkerker, University of Amsterdam
  • Lena Karvovskaya, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Lieke de Boer, Netherlands eScience Center
  • Meron Vermaas, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Stefan Kirsch, Tilburg University
  • Stephanie van de Sandt, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Tycho Hofstra, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Previous GHOST collective games include the Software Horror Escape Room and Data Horror Escape Room