#!/usr/bin/env python
Registration algorithms and utility functions
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from .. import BoundingBox, force_srs, extract_mask, clone
from .stickscale import get_stick_scale
from pcl.registration import gicp
from patty.utils import (
from patty.segmentation import (
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
[docs]def estimate_pancake_up(pointcloud):
Assuming a pancake like pointcloud, the up direction is the third PCA.
pca = PCA(n_components=3)
points = np.asarray(pointcloud)
pca.fit(points[:, 0:3])
return pca.components_[2]
def _find_rotation_xy_helper(pointcloud):
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
points = np.asarray(pointcloud)
pca.fit(points[:, 0:2])
rotxy = np.array(pca.components_)
# make sure the rotation is a proper rotation, ie det = +1
if np.linalg.det(rotxy) < 0:
rotxy[:, 1] *= -1.0
# create a 3D rotation around the z-axis
rotation = np.eye(3)
rotation[0:2, 0:2] = rotxy
return rotation
[docs]def find_rotation_xy(pc, ref):
'''Find the transformation that rotates the principal axis of the
pointcloud onto those of the reference.
Keep the z-axis pointing upwards.
pc: pcl.PointCloud
ref: pcl.PointCloud
numpy array of shape [3,3], can be used to rotate pointclouds
with pc.rotate()
pc_transform = _find_rotation_xy_helper(pc)
ref_transform = _find_rotation_xy_helper(ref)
return np.dot(np.linalg.inv(ref_transform), pc_transform)
[docs]def rotate_upwards(pc, up):
Rotate the pointcloud in-place around its center, such that the
'up' vector points along [0,0,1]
pc : pcl.PointCloud
up : np.array([3])
pc : pcl.PointCloud the input pointcloud, for convenience.
newz = np.array(up)
# Right-handed coordiante system:
# np.cross(x,y) = z
# np.cross(y,z) = x
# np.cross(z,x) = y
# normalize
newz /= (np.dot(newz, newz)) ** 0.5
# find two orthogonal vectors to represent x and y,
# randomly choose a vector, and take cross product. If we're unlucky,
# this ones is parallel to z, so cross pruduct is zero.
# In that case, try another one
newx = np.cross(np.array([0, 1, 0]), newz)
newx /= (np.dot(newx, newx)) ** 0.5
newy = np.cross(newz, newx)
newy /= (np.dot(newy, newy)) ** 0.5
newy = np.cross(newz, np.array([1, 0, 0]))
newy /= (np.dot(newy, newy)) ** 0.5
newx = np.cross(newy, newz)
newx /= (np.dot(newx, newx)) ** 0.5
rotation = np.zeros([3, 3])
rotation[0, 0] = newx[0]
rotation[1, 0] = newx[1]
rotation[2, 0] = newx[2]
rotation[0, 1] = newy[0]
rotation[1, 1] = newy[1]
rotation[2, 1] = newy[2]
rotation[0, 2] = newz[0]
rotation[1, 2] = newz[1]
rotation[2, 2] = newz[2]
rotation = np.linalg.inv(rotation)
pc.rotate(rotation, origin=pc.center())
return pc
[docs]def initial_registration(pointcloud, up, drivemap,
initial_scale=None, trust_up=True):
Initial registration adds an spatial reference system to the pointcloud,
and place the pointlcoud on top of the drivemap. The pointcloud is rotated
so that the up vector points along [0,0,1], and scaled such that it has the
right order of magnitude in size.
pointcloud : pcl.PointCloud
The high-res object to register.
up: np.array([3])
Up direction for the pointcloud.
If None, assume the object is pancake shaped, and chose the
upvector such that it is perpendicullar to the pancake.
drivemap : pcl.PointCloud
A small part of the low-res drivemap on which to register.
initial_scale : float
if given, scale pointcloud using this value; estimate scale factor
from bounding boxes.
trust_up : Boolean, default to True
True: Assume the up vector is exact.
False: Calculate 'up' as if it was None, but orient it such that
np.dot( up, pancake_up ) > 0
NOTE: Modifies the input pointcloud in-place, and leaves
it in a undefined state.
log("Starting initial registration")
# set scale and offset of pointcloud, drivemap, and footprint
# as the pointcloud is unregisterd, the coordinate system is undefined,
# and we lose nothing if we just copy it
if(hasattr(pointcloud, "offset")):
log(" - Dropping initial offset, was: %s" % pointcloud.offset)
log(" - No initial offset")
force_srs(pointcloud, same_as=drivemap)
log(" - New offset forced to: %s" % pointcloud.offset)
if up is not None:
log(" - Rotating the pointcloud so up points along [0,0,1]")
if trust_up:
rotate_upwards(pointcloud, up)
log(" - Using trusted up: %s" % up)
pancake_up = estimate_pancake_up(pointcloud)
if np.dot(up, pancake_up) < 0.0:
pancake_up *= -1.0
log(" - Using estimated up: %s" % pancake_up)
rotate_upwards(pointcloud, pancake_up)
log(" - No upvector, skipping")
if initial_scale is None:
bbDrivemap = BoundingBox(points=np.asarray(drivemap))
bbObject = BoundingBox(points=np.asarray(pointcloud))
scale = bbDrivemap.size[0:2] / bbObject.size[0:2] # ignore z-direction
# take the average scale factor for x and y dimensions
scale = np.mean(scale)
# use user provided scale
scale = initial_scale
log(" - Applying rough estimation of scale factor", scale)
pointcloud.scale(scale) # dont care about origin of scaling
[docs]def coarse_registration(pointcloud, drivemap, footprint, downsample=None):
Improve the initial registration.
Find the proper scale by looking for the red meter sticks, and calculate
and align the pointcloud's footprint.
pointcloud: pcl.PointCloud
The high-res object to register.
drivemap: pcl.PointCloud
A small part of the low-res drivemap on which to register
footprint: pcl.PointCloud
Pointlcloud containing the objects footprint
downsample: float, default=None, no resampling
Downsample the high-res pointcloud before footprint
log("Starting coarse registration")
# find redstick scale, and use it if possible
log(" - Redstick scaling")
allow_scaling = True
scale, confidence = get_stick_scale(pointcloud)
log(" - Red stick scale=%s confidence=%s" % (scale, confidence))
if (confidence > 0.5):
log(" - Applying red stick scale")
pointcloud.scale(1.0 / scale) # dont care about origin of scaling
allow_scaling = False
log(" - Not applying red stick scale, confidence too low")
# find all the points in the drivemap along the footprint
# use bottom two meters of drivemap (not trees)
dm_boundary = boundary_of_drivemap(drivemap, footprint)
dm_bb = BoundingBox(dm_boundary)
# set footprint height from minimum value,
# as trees, or high object make the pc.center() too high
fixed_boundary = clone(footprint)
fp_array = np.asarray(fixed_boundary)
fp_array[:, 2] = dm_bb.min[2]
save(fixed_boundary, "fixed_bound.las")
# find all the boundary points of the pointcloud
loose_boundary = boundary_of_center_object(pointcloud, downsample)
if loose_boundary is None:
log(" - boundary estimation failed, using lowest 30 percent of points")
loose_boundary = boundary_of_lowest_points(pointcloud,
# match the pointcloud boundary with the footprint boundary
log(" - Aligning footprints:")
rot_matrix, rot_center, scale, translation = align_footprints(
loose_boundary, fixed_boundary,
save(loose_boundary, "aligned_bound.las")
# Apply to the main pointcloud
pointcloud.rotate(rot_matrix, origin=rot_center)
pointcloud.scale(scale, origin=rot_center)
rot_center += translation
return rot_center
def _fine_registration_helper(pointcloud, drivemap, voxelsize=0.05, attempt=0):
Perform ICP on pointcloud with drivemap, and return convergence indicator.
Reject large translatoins.
transf : np.array([4,4])
success : Boolean
if icp was successful
fitness : float
sort of sum of square differences, ie. smaller is better
# Downsample to speed up
# use voxel filter to keep evenly distributed spatial extent
log(" - Downsampling with voxel filter: %s" % voxelsize)
pc = downsample_voxel(pointcloud, voxelsize)
# Clip to drivemap to prevent outliers confusing the ICP algorithm
log(" - Clipping to drivemap")
bb = BoundingBox(drivemap)
z = bb.center[2]
extracted = extract_mask(pc, [bb.contains([point[0], point[1], z])
for point in pc])
log(" - Remaining points: %s" % len(extracted))
converged, transf, estimate, fitness = gicp(extracted, drivemap)
# Dont accept large translations
translation = transf[0:3, 3]
if np.dot(translation, translation) > 5 ** 2:
log(" - Translation too large, considering it a failure.")
converged = False
fitness = 1e30
log(" - Success, fitness: ", converged, fitness)
force_srs(estimate, same_as=pointcloud)
save(estimate, "attempt%s.las" % attempt)
return transf, converged, fitness
[docs]def fine_registration(pointcloud, drivemap, center, voxelsize=0.05):
Final registration step using ICP.
Find the local optimal postion of the pointcloud on the drivemap; due to
our coarse_registration algorithm, we have to try two orientations:
original, and rotated by 180 degrees around the z-axis.
pointcloud: pcl.PointCloud
The high-res object to register.
drivemap: pcl.PointCloud
A small part of the low-res drivemap on which to register
center: np.array([3])
Vector giving the centerpoint of the pointcloud, used to do
the 180 degree rotations.
voxelsize: float default : 0.05
Size in [m] of the voxel grid used for downsampling
log("Starting fine registration")
# for rotation around z-axis
rot = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# do a ICP step for 4 orientations
transf = {}
success = {}
fitness = {}
for i in range(4):
log(" - attempt: %s" % i)
transf[i], success[i], fitness[i] = _fine_registration_helper(
pointcloud.rotate(rot, origin=center)
# pick best
best, value = min(fitness.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])
if success[best]:
log(" - Best attempt: %s" % best)
if best > 0: # np.array()**0 does weird things
pointcloud.rotate(rot**best, origin=center)
# ICP failed:
# return the pointcloud with just footprints aligned
# no use to undo a rotation, as any orientationi is equally likely.
log(" - Unable to do fine registration")